
Chamber Music Coachings


Chamber Music Coachings


Each JCM group is assigned 1-3 coaches to study 8 intensive sessions with during the course of the season.


JCM Coach Experience

All JCM coaches are carefully selected based on their education, experience in their field, and ability to inspire and encourage young adults. JCM coaches have at least one of the following: a master’s degree from a major conservatory of music (Colburn, Curtis, Juilliard, etc.), teach their instrument at a four-year college (CSULB, UCI, UCLA, USC, etc.), and/or are a member of a major symphony orchestra (Los Angeles Philharmonic, Pacific Symphony, etc.). We are extremely proud of our roster of coaches for their incredible dedication to teaching and excellence in their craft. They are an inspiration to our youth.

Multiple Coaches

We encourage all JCM students to study with different coaches each season, and to attend as many master classes as possible! It is a huge advantage for a student to study with a teacher who plays a different instrument than they do. For example, pianists can learn an enormous amount about phrasing, breathing, and pacing from the perspective of string, wind, and voice teachers; and, string players can learn a lot about breathing from wind and voice students. At JCM, we assign a coach for each type of instrument represented - a string coach, piano coach, wind coach, brass coach, voice coach, etc. This also guarantees an expert can address the specific instrumental needs (bowing, fingering, pedaling…) of each student.